UNO Reverse Card refers to a playing card in the game UNO which reverses the order of turns and is used as metaphorical term for a comeback or a karmic change of events.
On April 18th, 2018, Urban Dictionary user Coolkid87611[1] defined the UNO reverse card as “An upgraded no u” providing the example of: “Me: insults my friend. My friend: pulls out uno reverse card. Me: dies. The definition received 69 likes and 9 dislikes in a year.
On May 10th, 2018, Imgur user thefloralgalaxy[4] uploaded a photoshopped version of an UNO card that reads “No U” (shown below, left). In October 2018, the subreddit r/UnoReverse[2] was launched “for those moments/conversations where someone is destroyed by a metaphorical Uno reverse card.” The subreddit acquired 107 members in eight months. On May 9th, 2019, Redditor liam-macreadie-[3] uploaded an epic handshake image comparing No U to UNO reverse. The image garnered 37 points (94% Upvoted) in a month.